Which One is the Ideal Medical Cannabis Strain for you?

Medical Cannabis Strain

There are multiple things that need consideration when it comes to choosing the ideal medical marijuana strain to assist in relieving your conditions or diseases. Multiple people find that particular cannabis strains are suitable for them when compared to the others on the basis of various factors like wellness needs and dosage times. There are various types of strains available like Sativa and Indica and here we will talk about them so that it becomes easy for you to choose the ideal one for yourself.

About Sativa

Sativa is said to be the energetic cannabis strain. It is perfectly suitable for you if you are looking for a day time dosage rather than night time. The sativa strains are usually said to be the productivity strain because of the manner in which it can assist you in focusing, creativity and clarity.

Ideal time for the intake of Sativas

Sativa strains are known for making you feel energized and helps you in focusing, which is why the best time for sativa strains is the daytime. In a research that took place in the year 2018, it was stated that the anti-depressants like effects is produced by cannabidiol in in relation to the brain serotonin levels, the experts have found proof to suggest that the sativas have the same impact upon depression as medications. Sativas are not suggested as sleep aids, however, they do have a relaxing impact, the result is more of an anxiety-relieving and day energizing.

Some famous Sativas

There are multiple sativas within this strain category, you can choose among these varieties when you go out shopping for the ideal one. Here are some of the most famous ones:

  • Maui Maui

  • Butch Hawaaiin

  • White Buffalo

  • Jack Herer

  • Sour Diesel

About Indica?

Indica is said to be the relaxation strain, it is one of the most wanted amongst people who are searching for calming properties and assistance in sleeping. This strain usually consists of CBD rich ratio. Because of the way in which strain assists in relaxation, multiple of people have found it ideal for elimination of pain.

In a study in the year 2011 from the US National Library of Medicine looking at the regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids, the researchers concluded that cannabinoid compounds portray great results for managing nausea. The better results for curbing nausea are believed to be connected to Indica’s CBD heave skew balanced with mediocre THC levels. The anti-nausea advantages of indicas also assist in boosting the appetite of people.

Ideal time for the intake of Indicas

The intake of Indica is suggested to be done during the evening time while you are preparing to go off to sleep because of its relaxing properties.

Some famous Indicas

Just like the sativas, indicas also consist of variety of strains. Here, lets have a look upon them:

  • L.A. Confidential

  • Afghan Kush

  • Purple Sunset

  • Banana Hammock

  • Skywalker OG


While you are out shopping for the ideal medical marijuana, you must totally set your aims right. Prepare a list of wellness goals while you go to a shop, it will assist you in identifying the strain qualities you are in search of and talk to the workers in the dispensary, they know all the features and which ones ae suited for what issues, they will assist you with the same. Once you match your needs with the features, you will get the ideal cannabis strain for yourself.


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