Can Marijuana be Medicinal for Epilepsy?

Medicinal for Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder, which leads to recurrent and unprovoked seizures. These seizures are the production of abnormal jolts of electric activities among the brain cells. Epilepsy can affect anyone, irrespective of gender, age, or ethnic background. Moreover, with a whopping number of 50 million people affected by this disorder, it is a commonly affected disorder across the globe.

The Treatment for Epilepsy

When it comes to the cure of epilepsy, there is none! However, with numerous therapies and treatments, anyone suffering from it can find relief from seizures. It can consist of surgeries, medications, and anti-seizure devices. In fact, 70% of the patients find relief, which is a good sign!

Along with several treatments, cannabis or medical marijuana has caught the attention of many suffering from seizures. After its permissible use, the 30% of patients who did not find control over seizures with other treatments can take medical marijuana into consideration.

Treatment with Medical Marijuana

As per the regulations in Florida, the patient needs to undergo certain formalities to be able to access medical marijuana on the basis of the degree of illness. However, before that, it is advisable for you to learn if it is effective for you or not!

Defining Medical Marijuana

First of all, what difference does the term medical make to marijuana consumption?

Medical marijuana refers to the entire cannabis plant, which consists of cannabinoids and chemicals that reciprocate to the receptors in the body. Cannabinoids can have these ingredients-THC-Tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD- Cannabidiol. Where Tetrahydrocannabinol plays in the psychoactive aspect of marijuana, Cannabidiol can be used for treating medical conditions. CBD leaves no high effects and is positive on different body parts and systems. It can bring the positive aspect to the seizures.

Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy

When it comes to using marijuana for treatment, there are several aspects you would need to consider. One of them is what the researchers have to say about this! Even though the studies on marijuana being effective for treating seizures were hard due to factors, including earlier restrictions, many researchers are still studying its effect. However, when we draw attention to the early evidence from anecdotal reports, laboratory studies, and small clinical studies, medical marijuana does prove effective for treating epilepsy.

I said earlier, going further for treatment would need you to undergo certain formalities. You must reach a physician who can recommend you for the certification for your treatment.

The Final Thoughts

It is time to draw the bottom line on the use of medical marijuana for treating epilepsy. As the disorder has no cure, it is necessary to control the pain and suffering at the highest level possible. With medications, one can manage the seizures. However, being effective on 70% of the patients, they can still leave many patients untouched. Coming to medical marijuana, Cannabidiol does not come with any psychoactive effect, but can prove to be effective for treating seizures. If you or someone you know is suffering, medical marijuana can be your ray of hope. Before that, you must get your medical marijuana card and recommendations.


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